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CBD And Other Important Things You Must Know About It


There are many people who have already heard of a chemical referred as THC, which is an ingredient in marijuana that makes the user high. But just recently, the attention has been diverted to another compound found in marijuana which is CBD and it is for good reasons. While doctors couldn't seem to look past some adverse effects of THC, CBD does not appear to have that problem. Evidence of medical benefits of using CBD on the other hand keeps on growing.


In the next paragraphs, I am going to talk about 4 facts that you have to know regarding this unique compound.


Number 1. CBD is Key Ingredient in Cannabis


CBD is among the 60 compounds that are found in cannabis which belongs to class of molecules referred as cannabinoids. Of these said compounds, THC and CBD are frequently present in highest concentrations and therefore, they are the most studied and recognized.


Both THC as well as CBD levels tend to vary on different plant. Marijuana that's grown for recreational purposes normally have more THC than CBD. On the other hand, by making use of selective breeding techniques, the cannabis breeders managed to create varieties with higher levels of CBD and next to zero amount of THC. These strains are actually rare but become more common in the past few years.


Number 2. CBD is Non-Psychoactive


In comparison to THC, CBD doesn't causes a person to get high. While this made CBD not a good choice for recreational users, it is giving the chemicals big advantage as medicine since health professionals actually prefer treatments that have minimal side effects. CBD is non-psychoactive as it doesn't act on same pathways as what THC does. These pathways are referred as CB1 receptors and highly concentrated in brain and is in charge for mind altering effects of THC.


Number 3. CBD has huge range of Medical Benefits


Despite the fact that THC and CBD act on different pathways of our body, they appear to have lots of same medical benefits. Check out the CBD online for more info.


Number 4. CBD is Reducing Negative Effects of THC


CBD appears to provide natural protection towards marijuana high. There are lots of studies who are suggesting that CBD work to reduce THCs intoxicating effects like paranoia and memory impairment. In addition to that, CBD can counteract sleep inducing effects of THC that explains why several strains of cannabis are known to boost alertness. You can buy CBD oil here!

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